art project
layers of movement
"The beauty of after-work traffic" is the headline of the Tagesspiegel about the film and the project Berlin - Layers of Movement. With the help of photo collages and the art film, the capital's traffic flows are stitched together into an intoxicating, fascinating portrait of Berlin."
"In her film work, Natascha Küderli composes a coexistence of these levels of movement. In both collage techniques - picture and film - she succeeds in illustrating the uniqueness of superimposition and simultaneity of the traffic of a big city like Berlin. The film vibrates with the rhythm of a cosmopolitan city. The different speeds at which one moves through the days and nights are fascinating and relaxing at the same time and reflect the artist's aesthetic sensibility."
"BERLIN layers of movement vibrates with the rhythm of the metropolis. Not since the legendary silent film classic "Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" has the seething action on Berlin's rails, streets and waters been shown as fascinatingly as it is here."
2005Collage with construction cranes