"As a trained ceramist and architect, I have always had an enthusiasm for forms and their changes, structures and materials. to the studies - formations & space
At the same time, I have been dealing with cities, their soul and their spiritual atmosphere for a long time because I wanted to know why certain buildings can trigger emotions in me, such as fascination and joy but also unease or even fear. I am interested in the essence of architecture: what is it that touches us and what makes certain spaces, buildings and cities so unique? But above all, what is the soul? Searching for the definition of the soul in religion, psychology and philosophy, I came to the conclusion that the soul is composed of will, mind and emotion. This led me to the realisation that architecture per se (steel, concrete, brick, wood, ...) does not have a soul, but the person who builds or has built it does. The architect and the client have a soul and this is reflected in the buildings. In the same way, every visitor and observer of a building or a city has a soul and perceives the building and the space in his or her own way, and for me it is the same in art.
In my art I take up themes such as: Movement, structure, levels and layers in nature and in cities. In these layers and between these layers there is movement, in the form of change, deformation and transport. Movement tells, provides, changes, moves, animates, dances. Whether I am dealing with the layers of movement in a city like Berlin or with the soul of a city like Amsterdam, for me both have to do with each other.
The soul of a city is located "in historical levels", the transport of a city in "physical levels". For me, transport does not go into the depths of the soul, but it animates and supplies the whole body of a city. If the transport, comparable to veins and arteries, does not function, a city can die just like a body.
I have a heart for cities, people and nations. If something about a city, a person, a nation or its nature inspires me, I deal with it intensively and then show it in my art.